How to develop a Scheduler in OIM
Below steps help us in developing a new Scheduler in OIM 11G R2 PS3.
- Create a new Java project in Eclipse and add external jars from design console(you can add whatever Jars required for your scheduler)
- Create a new class which extends oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.TaskSupport as super class
Write your business logic in Execute method
Below is the basic structure of the Scheduler
package com.ghr;
import java.util.HashMap;
import oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.TaskSupport;
public class UpdateTCADRemovalDate extends TaskSupport {
public void execute(HashMap taskparams) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public HashMap getAttributes() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public void setAttributes() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
3. Reading Task input parameters
All the task input parameters available in taskparams variable which is of type HashMap which is input parameter for execute method
lastRunTime = (String)taskparams.get("Last Run Time");
4. Setting Scheduler task parameters using code(this is optional)
Using SchedulerService Interface we can modify Scheduler task parameters
Below is the sample code to update task parameter
private void updateJobTimeStamp() {
String methodName = "updateJobTimeStamp";
logger.setMethodStartLog(className, methodName);
String newTimeStamp = null;
Date date = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy");
newTimeStamp = simpleDateFormat.format(date);, methodName, "newTimeStamp::" + newTimeStamp);
SchedulerService schedulerService = Platform.getService(SchedulerService.class);
try {
JobDetails jobdetails=schedulerService.getJobDetail("Automatic User Profile Data Correction");
HashMap<String, JobParameter> params= jobdetails.getParams();
String parameterValue = newTimeStamp;
JobParameter jobParam= params.get("Last Updated TimeStamp");
params.put("Last Updated TimeStamp", jobParam);
logger.debug(className, methodName, "Last Updated TimeStamp updated to "+newTimeStamp);
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
} catch (IncorrectScheduleTaskDefinationException e) {
} catch (LastModifyDateNotSetException e) {
} catch (StaleDataException e) {
} catch (RequiredParameterNotSetException e) {
} catch (ParameterValueTypeNotSupportedException e) {
} catch (SchedulerAccessDeniedException e) {
logger.setMethodFinishLog(className, methodName);
5. Build your source code into Jar by exporting(right click on class and select export)
6. Create plugin structure
Lib should contain you Jar file which you created in step 5
plugin.xml should contain below format, replace highlighted values as per your requirement
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<oimplugins xmlns:targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:mds="" xmlns:md="">
<plugins pluginpoint="oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.TaskSupport">
<plugin pluginclass="ts.idm.base.schedulers.UpdateTCADRemovalDate" version="1.0" name="UpdateTCADRemovalDate"></plugin>
META-INF folder should contain xml with your plugin name
provide input parameters and task name details in this file
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<scheduledTasks xmlns="">
<name>TS Update TCAD Removal Date</name>
<description>TS Update TCAD Removal Date</description>
<string-param required="true" encrypted="false" helpText="Last Run Time with Format : dd-MMM-yy">Last Run Time</string-param>
with all above create a zip file
7. Register your plugin
please refer below post for plugin register steps
8. Create Scheduler task in Admin console
Navigate System Configuration -> Scheduler
Click on Create scheduler
Provide scheduler task information
Task: which you have provided in the xml file
That's all now we have created new Scheduler task
can we edit scheduler and assign variables with scheduler.