Developing a Pre-populate and process task adapter in OIM 11G R2 PS3
Prepopulate adapter:
Step 1: class should have public method which returns some value
public class CommonName {
public String getCommonName(String firstName,String lastName){
return firstName+", "+lastName;
Step 1: class should have public method which returns some value
public class CommonName {
public String getCommonName(String firstName,String lastName){
return firstName+", "+lastName;
Build a Jar file by exporting the class using Eclipse and copy the jar to oim server location
the above path varies project to project
Step 2:
Upload jar to server using command utility
Navigate to file path location(use locate -i
Example Location:
Run below command(Export paths if required)
Provide xelsysadm username and password
Select Jar type as JavaTasks(option 1)
Provide complete Jar path
Do purge cache using below command
./ ALL
Step 3: Create Adapter using Adapter factory
Login to Design console and Navigate to Development Tools->Adapter Factory
Enter adapter name and descritpion
Select adapter type as Pre-populate Rule Generator and click on save(Process Task for process task adapter)
Navigate to Variable and add your variables if your code accepts any input variables
Navigate to Adapter Tasks and create task
Provide Task name, select API source as your jar file and select appropriate class and method and map the input variables
and Click on Rebuild
Now your prepopulate adapter is ready to use
In the below section lets see how to use this adapter for prepopulating values to the form
Navigate to form designer and search for the form
sometimes you may require to create new form version to modify the details
Click on save and do purge cache or restart the system.
We are done with prepopulate adapter development
Hi Had written the same logic but getting an error server cannot load class while selecting API source as your jar file..any guess, why this error.