JDBC as Authoritative Source with Delta Aggregation Mode Enabled in Sailpoint

This document explains how to onboard JDBC as an Authoritative with Delta Aggregation

In this example I am using Oracle MySQL as database server

  1. Create HR Source database, source table, delta table, triggers

    1. Create new database

create database hrdatabase;
use hrdatabase;

    1. Create hrsource table

create table hrsource (
   employeeNumber varchar(255),
firstName varchar(255),
   lastName varchar(255),
userType varchar(255),
   personalEmail varchar(255),
department varchar(255),
city varchar(255),
manager varchar(255),
status varchar(255),
PRIMARY KEY (employeeNumber)

Insert few records( for testing full aggregation )

insert into hrsource values('1001','Ravi','Kumar','E','ravikumar@gmail.com','Development','Bangalore','','A');
insert into hrsource values('1002','Jayanth','G','E','jayanth.g@gmail.com','Quality','Mysore','1001','A');

    1. Create delta table


    1. Create triggers for insert and update

For Insert Operation

create trigger hrsource_delta_insert_trigger after insert on hrdatabase.hrsource for each row BEGIN INSERT INTO hrdatabase.HRSOURCE_DELTA SET action = 'Insert',employeeNumber = NEW.employeeNumber;

For Update Operation

create trigger hrsource_delta_update_trigger after update on hrdatabase.hrsource for each row BEGIN INSERT INTO hrdatabase.HRSOURCE_DELTA SET action = 'Update',employeeNumber = NEW.employeeNumber;

  1. Onboard JDBC Connector App
    1. Onboard new Application with name  ‘HR Source’ type as ‘JDBC’ and check ‘Authoritative Application’

    1. Update Connection configuration settings
Configuration -> Settings -> Object Type: Account
Update username, password and database URL, SQL Statement

    1. Configure Delta Aggregation
    1. Update Schema

Use discover schema to populate schema and update identity and display attributes

    1. Set Account and Manager Correlation

I already created Identity attributes in Identity Mappings
Save the Application Configuration and reopen the application to update correlation

Account correlation

Manager correlation

    1. Update Identity Attribute mapping
Global Settings -> Identity Mappings

  1. Create Aggregation Task
Create new Aggregation Task
Setup -> Tasks -> Account Aggregation

With default options
Save and Execute the task

2 Users created

Run Refresh Identity Cube for Manager and other attributes to update in Identity Cube

  1. Update/Insert new records into hrsource table and Run reaggregation with delta aggregation mode

Insert 2 new records
insert into hrsource values('1003','Raman','Rao','C','raman.rao@gmail.com','Management','Bijapur','1001','T');
insert into hrsource values('1004','Shiva Kumar','Bellubbi','C','shivakumar.bellubbi@gmail.com','Development','Bijapur','1001','A');

Update existing record
update hrsource set city = 'Doddaballapur' where employeeNumber = '1001';

  1. Enable Delta aggregation in the Aggregation task(Account Aggregation - HR Source)

Save and Execute the Aggregation task

Data in hrsource_delta will be truncated after running aggregation task


  1. Hi Ravi Kumar,
    This is helpful. After running the aggregation task there is no update in the task result. "Applications scanned : HR Source" is the only result showing. In the logs I found the warning saying "sailpoint.api.Aggregator:5882 - Delta aggregation was enabled for HR Source; skipping deleted account pruning". hrsource_delta is still holding the data. Kindly suggest.

  2. This was very informative. Can you please provide your email address. I want to learn some more.

  3. Hi, Thanks for the information. Can you tell me how the delta aggregation works here? Both the HR_Source and HR_Delta will have the same no. of employee records right?

  4. Very good and clear explanation. Thanks for creating this.


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